22 November 2014

Business Convertation

1.       Karen walks into a shoe store.  She wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself.
Clerk:            May I help you?
Karen:           Yes. Do you have these shoes in size seven?
Clerk:             I'm not sure.  If you can't find them on the rack, they may be out of stock.  But let me look in the stockroom.        
Karen:           Thanks. I'd like to try on a pair if you have them.
Clerk:             I'll be right back.

2.       Dennis bought a used TV for 200 dollars.  He didn't realize he had been ripped off.
Erwin:           How much did you pay for it?    
Dennis:         200 bucks.          
Erwin:           200 bucks for a piece of junk like that?  That's a rip-off!
Dennis:         What do you mean?      
Erwin:           It's not worth it.               
Dennis:         Oh.  I guess I really did get ripped off.

3.       Connie is very interested in a red blouse in the catalog she just received. She tells John that she wants to get one.
Connie:        Look at this catalog, John.  I think I want to get this red blouse.  
John:             Don't you have one like this in blue?      
Connie:        Yeah, but I don't have a red one.             
John:             Do you need every color in the rainbow?             
Connie:        (Looking at her husband dumbly.) Yes!
John:             (The husband shakes his head.) Tsk...tsk...women!

4.       Jackie has a 20-dollar bill and wants to break it so that she may have some smaller bills and change for the laundry.
Cashier:        How can I help you, Miss?           
Jackie:           Could you break a 20 for me?    
Cashier:        Sure.  How do you want it?         
Jackie:           Could I have two 5's and the rest in ones?           
Cashier:        Well, I have some 5's, but I don't have enough 1's.  Are quarters fine with you?                
Jackie:           Oh, that's even better!  In that case, I won't have to worry about the small change for the laundry.         
Cashier:        Here you go!     
Jackie:           Thanks a million!

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